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"I can honestly say it’s the best money I’ve ever spent, my bank has grown 20x the monthly fee in the first month, pre game stats are ok but there’s nothing like watching how it pans out in play and finding opportunity’s, thank you so much for creating an awesome web app !!"

Signup using PayPal or Credit Card.

Signup using PayPal

If you have had an account before then please use the button below to register, using the same email address will keep your previous settings and filters

Clicking the register button will redirect you to Paypal, once registration is complete then you will be redirected back to SoccerScanner. You can then use the username and password specified above to login. To change you password use the account settings on the far right.

"I just thought I would drop you a couple of lines to praise you on your product and the flexibility with the UI. being able to add and remove columns and also the ability to rearrange ..pretty much the whole look is just fantastic.. I now have the UI set up so it means something to myself and the data I wish to reference. Another great feature that is superb is the right mouse click options and the ability to add your own filters to it just make it so much more Dynamic. and not forgetting the My Leagues with the ability to add/remove different groups of leagues and again that option added to the mouse right click feature. Absolute cracking job."
"Very nice tool sir! I particularly like the Previous X mins section, very useful. The Betfair interface provides similar (last 5 mins, last10) but is highly annoying to use and you can only view one at a time; really nice to be able to view multiple in one interface."